Saturday, August 14, 2010

No Mosque at Ground Zero

Let's demand equal building rights from Saudi Arabia, others.

I want a federal moratorium on building new mosques until we verify Saudi Arabia and other arab countries allow Christians and jews to build in their lands. There seems to be a hostile placement plan, insensitive to 9/11 and confrontational with opponents, Christians and jews.

Some of my concerns are illustrated in a Facebook exchange with a local lefty (

Visit for my current positions. Visit, and for past positions.
Read about the GZ Mosque Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf in this interview with Walid Shoebat :

Charles Krauthammer reminds us why we must follow through on the immediate issue at hand. Very simply - the developer's intransigence is sacrilege.

Sacrilege at Ground Zero

By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, August 13, 2010

A place is made sacred by a widespread belief that it was visited by the miraculous

or the transcendent (Lourdes, the Temple Mount), by the presence there once of

great nobility and sacrifice (Gettysburg), or by the blood of martyrs and the

indescribable suffering of the innocent (Auschwitz).

When we speak of Ground Zero as hallowed ground, what we mean is that it belongs to

those who suffered and died there -- and that such ownership obliges us, the

living, to preserve the dignity and memory of the place, never allowing it to be

forgotten, trivialized or misappropriated.

That's why Disney's 1993 proposal to build an American history theme park near

Manassas Battlefield was defeated by a broad coalition that feared vulgarization of

the Civil War (and that was wiser than me; at the time I obtusely saw little harm

in the venture). It's why the commercial viewing tower built right on the border of

Gettysburg was taken down by the Park Service. It's why, while no one objects to

Japanese cultural centers, the idea of putting one up at Pearl Harbor would be


And why Pope John Paul II ordered the Carmelite nuns to leave the convent they had

established at Auschwitz. He was in no way devaluing their heartfelt mission to

pray for the souls of the dead. He was teaching them a lesson in respect: This is

not your place; it belongs to others. However pure your voice, better to let

silence reign.

Even New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who denounced opponents of the proposed 15-

story mosque and Islamic center near Ground Zero as tramplers on religious freedom,

asked the mosque organizers "to show some special sensitivity to the situation."

Yet, as columnist Rich Lowry pointedly noted, the government has no business

telling churches how to conduct their business, shape their message or show

"special sensitivity" to anyone about anything. Bloomberg was thereby inadvertently

conceding the claim of those he excoriates for opposing the mosque, namely that

Ground Zero is indeed unlike any other place and therefore unique criteria govern

what can be done there.

Bloomberg's implication is clear: If the proposed mosque were controlled by

"insensitive" Islamist radicals either excusing or celebrating 9/11, he would not

support its construction.

But then, why not? By the mayor's own expansive view of religious freedom, by what

right do we dictate the message of any mosque? Moreover, as a practical matter,

there's no guarantee that this couldn't happen in the future. Religious

institutions in this country are autonomous. Who is to say that the mosque won't

one day hire an Anwar al-Aulaqi -- spiritual mentor to the Fort Hood shooter and

the Christmas Day bomber, and onetime imam at the Virginia mosque attended by two

of the 9/11 terrorists?

An Aulaqi preaching in Virginia is a security problem. An Aulaqi preaching at

Ground Zero is a sacrilege. Or would the mayor then step in -- violating the same

First Amendment he grandiosely pretends to protect from mosque opponents -- and

exercise a veto over the mosque's clergy?

Location matters. Especially this location. Ground Zero is the site of the

greatest mass murder in American history -- perpetrated by Muslims of a particular

Islamist orthodoxy in whose cause they died and in whose name they killed.

Of course that strain represents only a minority of Muslims. Islam is no more

intrinsically Islamist than present-day Germany is Nazi -- yet despite contemporary

Germany's innocence, no German of goodwill would even think of proposing a German

cultural center at, say, Treblinka.

Which makes you wonder about the goodwill behind Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf's proposal.

This is a man who has called U.S. policy "an accessory to the crime" of 9/11 and,

when recently asked whether Hamas is a terrorist organization, replied, "I'm not a

politician. . . . The issue of terrorism is a very complex question."

America is a free country where you can build whatever you want -- but not

anywhere. That's why we have zoning laws. No liquor store near a school, no strip

malls where they offend local sensibilities, and, if your house doesn't meet

community architectural codes, you cannot build at all.

These restrictions are for reasons of aesthetics. Others are for more profound

reasons of common decency and respect for the sacred. No commercial tower over

Gettysburg, no convent at Auschwitz -- and no mosque at Ground Zero.

Build it anywhere but there.

The governor of New York offered to help find land to build the mosque elsewhere. A

mosque really seeking to build bridges, Rauf's ostensible hope for the structure,

would accept the offer.