Monday, July 19, 2010

Judicial Reform

Please visit for an important update to the expected 2010 ballot.

Below are my thoughts on judicial reform, which thankfully is not on the ballot this year, and the misguided federal AZ action by Eric Holder at the DOJ. Greg Wersal, who won a landmark 2002 case for the right to free association of judicial candidates, may have been a big influence on the tabling of Quie's judicial reform.

Contrast the two links below.
The DFL has steadfastly declined to endorse judges on the ground that it would be inappropriate, given that such elections are supposed to be nonpartisan.
Heaney [a democrat judge who passed away June 22 2010 at 92 after serving grateful Minnesotans honorably and well] helped shape political strategy for candidates, organize caucus strategies, acted as a filter on patronage jobs and got out the votes of the party faithful.

The MNGOP party contains two groups of thought on this. One group opposes party endorsement of judicial candidates out of respect for the non-partisan nature of the office, the importance of maintaining the neutrality of the office, and protecting judges from potential moral hazards; and one group supports it. As you can see there are strong arguments for each side.
We can disagree on this issue and still share and enjoy party unity - indeed it is critical to winning our races in 2010 that our party remain strong and enjoy wide support.

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