Sunday, March 28, 2010

Obamacare must be Repealed

Obamacare funding is a sham; Obamacare will destroy Medicare and private insurers, raise premiums, and hinder reform.

Medicare, employer-based insurance, healthcare reform, and deficit reduction are put at risk by this administration.

65B incumbent Carlos Mariani states he will implement any federal healthcare legislation at the state level:

Let's vote him out!
Please vote for me, Jamie Delton, for 65B State Rep this November.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Carlos Mariani ignores emails; Fails to defend Obamacare damage

Carlos Mariani ignores my emails and fails to defend Obamacare damage

The following healthcare update demonstrates why Mariani was wrong to support Obamacare before March 21, when it's final form was passed, to continue to support it as we learn of it's damaging effects on retirees and others, and to "assure you that we will continue to move forward in our 2010 and 2011 sessions to implement whatever federal reforms are finally enacted" in an online petition letter at

Op Eds by those Republican legislators in the middle of the fight:

Obamacare costs:

Verizon letter:

Verizon, Medtronic, John Deere, Caterpillar and other companies are rescinding retiree drug benefits because HR3590 removes the 28 percent subsidy.

"Because Verizon offers retiree prescription drug coverage today, the government provides a 28 percent subsidy to help offset the financial burden of offering that coverage. The subsidy was intended to help employers continue to offer prescription drug coverage for retirees so that these retirees would not have to use the Government Medicare Part D program. However, changes affecting the Part D subsidy will make it less valuable to employers, like Verizon, and as a result, may have significant implications for both retirees and employers."

bill text:

Join me in defending retirees and their modest Prescription Drug benefits.
Vote for Jamie Delton in 2010 and help unseat unresponsive incumbent Carlos Mariani in seat 65B in the Minnesota State House.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Which of Pawlenty's Commissioners is Mariani targeting?
Mariani is possibly targeting the Human Services commissioner Cal Ludeman with the 2009 legislation HF1818, which requires a Poverty Impact statement from any commissioner Mariani might ask. HF1818 may be GMAC related.
There was a hearing on it today:
Tuesday March 23 (today) 10:30am
room 300N State Office Building
State Government Finance Division
Agenda included:
HF1818 State Commissioners required to submit Poverty Impact statement on bills when requested by a legislator

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mariani must answer for his pledge to support this administration's healthcare policy

The audacity of identifying a problem - continued raiding of medicare funds for non-medicare programs by politicians over the course of decades - and implementing a solution - healthcare "reform", or Obamacare - which also raids Medicare of $500 billion is stupendous. To then double count several items in a Madoff-like proposal to deceive us into thinking taxes won't be jacked up and our government become hopelessly insolvent is a credibility killer.

We're now or soon will be in the business of bankrupting an entire economic sector - healthcare insurance which is only the 36th most profitable industry making only $12 billion one year. We will be denying healthcare claims like european states. We will not have sufficient revenue from premiums with or without the individual mandate so we will see increased premiums, lower quality service, and further insolvency of medicare. We should never have taken one step in this direction. I will encourage repeal of hr3590 in the federal house and oppose all MN house efforts to implement parallel policy by lawmakers such as my 65B opponent, Carlos Mariani who signed a pledge to implement policy in MN parallel to any federal healthcare legislation that is passed. Carlos Mariani signed a pledge to implement policy in MN parallel to federal hr3590.

This will bankrupt MN's 3 big non profit insurers eventually through premium rates being set by government.

Carlos Mariani: answer Minnesotan people for your support of this administration.
My campaign for your seat is dedicated to making you answer to Minnesota for your support of what happened today and your support of each and every action of this administration.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Carlos Mariani's January 2010 letter to Alice Seagren

Carlos Mariani's January 2010 letter to Alice Seagren, Dept of Education MDE, administrator of almost $1 billion from the Federal State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) program, part of Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).

"Dear Commissioner Seagren:
I am writing in support of Minnesota's Race to the Top application. I believe the proposal offers a powerful way for our state to drive practices needed to reform our K-12 education system as we simultaneously seek to invest more into our schools.
Given that Minnesota's constitution directs the legislature to provide for public schools and the governor to faithfully execute state laws, I expect MDE to work collaboratively with the House K-12 Education Policy Committee and the state legislature during the 2010 legislative session to identify state education policies and laws implicated in the application, and to recommend changes and clarifications where needed.
"I have reviewed the proposal and support many of its components. I have three primary issues of concern that I trust we can address together:
1. That these new efforts keep a strong focus on closing racial inequalities
in academic outcomes ("closing gaps").
2. That we responsibly discern beforehand the major consequences — especially for students - of premising a significant part of teacher and principal tenure, licensure and evaluation on MCA scores. These new performance evaluation systems must be created in true partnership with teachers and principals and be based on good research. They should also incorporate the use of multiple measures established in Minnesota statutes.
3. Minnesotans must be provided with an objective understanding of the pros and cons of adopting national standards and assessments. I had suggested in an earlier communiqué that RTTT funds should be used to create an independent policy research entity that could inform us on these matters. Perhaps the OTAS can fulfill this function?
"Finally, RTTT should encourage greater investment in early childhood education for all that nurtures young students to be ready for school. Such programs should align to the goals of high academic standards in K-12 schools.
"I stand in solidarity with you in working to close the academic achievement gaps between all groups of students and to end race based inequalities in our state's IC-12 education system. I appreciate the Minnesota Department of Education's (MDE) efforts to engage stakeholders, including myself, in the application process and look forward to remaining engaged throughout the RTTT process."

Communiqué? solidarity? Come on, this is a needless letter with labored overtones.
After all the MN Department of Education (MDE) went through to obtain this funding, do you think they need Mariani's reminder to comply with federal requirements?
The ARRA requirement is not "racial equality" as Carlos implies.
I'm not even sure what racial equality is in this context.
The requirement for both the Stabilization Fund and Race to the Top is:
"As stated in absolute priority 1, the Department will only consider applications that comprehensively address all four education reform areas specified in the ARRA: enhancing standards and assessments, improving the collection and use of data, improving teacher effectiveness and achieving equity in teacher distribution, and turning around struggling schools. "

Yet Carlos writes:
"I have reviewed the proposal and support many of its components. I have three primary issues of concern that I trust we can address together:
1. That these new efforts keep a strong focus on closing racial inequalities in
outcomes ("closing gaps")."

Since when is our government involved in "closing racial inequalities in academic outcomes"? Isn't that left to the students, after government creates equal opportunity and fosters access?
Government should not achieve equal outcomes. Government should only achieve equal opportunity for students.

Even Wicomico county in Maryland interpreted the requirement differently than did Carlos, although their interpretation may be an attempt to reduce class size based on race which is also un-Minnesotan. Carlos' interpretation is not much better.

"The objective is to highlight inequities that result in low-income and minority students being taught by inexperienced, unqualified, out-of-field or ineffective teachers at higher rates than other students. Similarly, because principals play a critical role in teaching and learning, it is important to highlight inequities that result in low-income and minority students being taught in schools overseen by ineffective principals at higher rates than other students."

Jamie for State Rep

Mariani signs internet pledge stating he will implement any federal healthcare legislation at the state level

From my Facebook campaign:

Mariani states he will implement any federal healthcare legislation at the state level!
Were we asked?????

We and hundreds of other state legislators have been front line pioneers in our states in introducing and enacting health care reforms. In state capitol after state capitol across the country, we have produced the models and laid the groundwork on which federal reform is based. We can assure you that we will continue to move forward in our 2010 and 2011 sessions to implement whatever federal reforms are finally enacted.

From Jamie for State Rep here is some background.
Here is the Republican supported ALEC Feb 24 2010 letter (PDF):

To date, 36 states have introduced the ALEC model to protect patients’ rights to pay
directly for medical care, and to prohibit the government from forcing individuals to
purchase government-approved health insurance. The measure has already passed withbipartisan support in houses of the Idaho, Virginia, and Tennessee legislatures, and will appear as a ballot question before Arizona voters in November. In other states, the initiative is quickly moving through various legislative committees.

In response sent this undated letter (Posted: March 2, 2010 - 2:39pm by Julie Bero) to Obama, with Carlos Mariani as a signtory:

Carlos Mariani sees reconciliation process as unrestricted by Byrd Amendment, current law

While the compromises between the House and Senate bills being proposed by yourself and others fall short in some reform areas, there is no question that approving the Senate bill in combination with modifications through the reconciliation process would make a world of difference for families in our country.

Carlos Mariani accuses Blue Cross of abuse and profiteering

We contrast the dedication to substantive health care solutions by the more than 1,000 members of our group of legislators with the relative handful of legislative members of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) who choose not to propose substantive solutions for the American people, but just continue to defend the status quo and seek to obstruct health reforms that the large majority of Americans enthusiastically support.

We all know that when it comes to health insurance coverage and the health care delivery system the status quo is not acceptable. The position of ALEC reflects its corporate sponsors; notably a Blue Cross Blue Shield representative actually sits on the three-person industry executive committee drafting ALEC’s model legislation. Their approach would simply continue the widespread pattern of insurance company abuses and excessive profiteering. That road is clearly not the answer.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Energy links
Amy Koch:

Grassroots Photo ID

A big part of my campaign is the grassroots effort to bring Photo ID requirements to St. Paul municipal election polling locations. Many states have this requirement.
A decision is expected soon in Indiana's supreme court on a Democrat challenge to established Photo ID law in Indiana.
Tom Emmer leads the statewide effort.

Join our 2010 campaign for 65B State House on Facebook!

Become a Fan:
Join our 2010 campaign for 65B State House!
I am running in St. Paul Minnesota against 20 year incumbent non-profit director Carlos Mariani.
I have been a St. Paul Resident since 1977.
Here is my personal blog began in 2006 on which I’ve commented on important issues long before the critical policy mistakes of Obama:

My priorities are:
• Jobs for St. Paul
• Safe Nuclear Energy for Minnesota on principle
• Preserve Medicare
• Stop Tax & Spend

Please Donate! Click Donate!
Jamie for State Rep
385 Laurel Ave #108
St. Paul MN 55102