Sunday, March 28, 2010

Obamacare must be Repealed

Obamacare funding is a sham; Obamacare will destroy Medicare and private insurers, raise premiums, and hinder reform.

Medicare, employer-based insurance, healthcare reform, and deficit reduction are put at risk by this administration.

65B incumbent Carlos Mariani states he will implement any federal healthcare legislation at the state level:

Let's vote him out!
Please vote for me, Jamie Delton, for 65B State Rep this November.


  1. Thoughts on the takeover of student loans that was part of the bill?

  2. The student loan takeover by the Obama administration is important in this context - when have you ever heard of an administration so distracted with clumsy "revenue streams" as this administration? What on earth is the executive branch, or worse, the legislative branch, in the business of running an auto company, administering student loans, running healthcare or running healthcare insurance?? It is unprecedented; it is wrong; it is part of the painful fall this administration will take, dragging the country with it. I personally don't think student loans should be federally insured, let alone taken over. This is another Freddie & Fannie bailout waiting to happen. We should never have been running GSE's (government sponsored enterprises) which started recently to sell phony mortgage backed securities. Yet since 1932 we have been. For 80 years we've had proof GSE's work only in measured tempered sums, and not large scale. This president did not learn.

  3. While I agree, may I suggest you don't mention that you don't favor government insured student loans? A great many students make use of those loans and a great many students reside in your district.

  4. Yes you may! I encourage all students to pay their loans using the best option available to them. Although I oppose the federal government engaging in student loan administration it is important we take advantage of a federal loan if it offers us a lower rate. There are two sides of the equation. The first side is you and me - consumers of loans out for our own self-interest. The other side of the equation is the administrator of our loans. The federal government's folly is once again becoming engaged in a private sector function just like in the take-over of GM and the attempted take-over of healthcare insurance. The Obama administration thinks it is going to make alot of money but it won't happen.
